Console commands to get your characters to interesting maps for cut scene backgrounds!!

See here for the cut scene doc itself.

All info here can be freely used and shared and changed and copied. Anyone is free to make mods using this. If you found this info useful, please give Moxi a shoutout somewhere on your page!

The journey that led to the research here started because I wanted screenshots of Nightingale (my goddess) and Lord Astarion on the Elysium pillars (coordinates for the pillars I used are in the Elysium row below but there are many pillars to choose from!).

bg3_dx11 2024-06-16 21-30-11.png

bg3_dx11 2024-06-16 23-13-30.png

bg3_dx11 2024-06-16 23-14-03.png





Specific locations are only loaded only if your character is already in that region. So you may need to move to that region before teleporting (use the teleport to act commands).

Some maps don’t seem to be walkable. In those cases you can use positioning commands to move your tav around, if you want to take screenshots using the Emotes mod. It shouldn’t matter too much for cut scenes because you can trigger those directly.